Paweł Poljanski

General characteristics of the athlete:
Grown discipline: Road Cycling
Birthday: May 6, 1990
Height: 182 cm
Weight: 63 kg
City of origin: Rumia, Poland
Team: Tinkoff-Saxo
Interests: Internet, automotive
Favourite race: Giro d' Italia
Favourite food: Italian cuisine
Favourite place to workout: Lucca (Italy)
Some questions about ICEstripe:
Why do you wear an ICEstripe?
I am a professional cyclist, so I spend a lot of time on training, which in the case of road cycling is quite dangerous, due to the movement in normal traffic. It is no different for the race, where accidents are still common. The ICEstripe will definitely come in hand during an accident, due to all the vital information laser engraved into my wristband.
Preferred type of ICEstripe?
I find Elite the most suiting.
What success in your professional career you consider most important?
At the moment it is winning the U23 national championship, which I won in 2012. Appetite grows with eating, however, so I look forward for racing with my new team in 2014.
Key successes:
- 1. Giro il Trofeo Tosco Umbro
- Polish national U23 champion
- 1. Gran Premio Dell Rosso
- 1. Gran Premio Rafi
- 1. Circiuto Valenzia
- 1. Coppa Liberation Fiera di Signa
- 1. Memorial Giulio Brescia
- 1. Gran premio Valdaso
- 1. Coppa comune Castiglione Fiorentino
- 1. Gran Premio Chianti Colline
- 2. Coppa comune Castiglione Fiorentino